“a nerve is not a nerve but a bundle of fibers”

January 30–March 28, 2020*
Beard & Weil Galleries, Watson Fine Arts

Three players in a game of basketball. From left to right, we have players #4, #9, and #2. They all seem to enjoy their time playing the sport. #4 is sternly focused in his game, about to shoot a shot. He’s jumping in the air with both hands on the ball, just about to let go. Player #9 absolutely loves basketball, with a huge grin covering his face and bright, wide-open, blue eyes. He appears to be mid-dribble, ready for anything or anyone who might stop him from reaching the hoop. #9 is on the other team from #4, adorning a deep navy blue outfit. Finally, on the right is player #2, in the same red costume as #4.  With his balding brown hair and glasses, his large smile covers his head. He’s running with the ball in hand, the same arm that is wearing a black wristband. It’s unclear whether he’s about to pass the ball to a teammate or continue dribbling, but whatever the case, he loves what he does.
From Dream Team, Wells Chandler

This exhibition showcases seven contemporary artists: Wells Chandler; Pilar Sans Coover; Gabrielle Ferreira; Sean Paul Gallegos; Sarah E. Jenkins; Saberah Malik; and Sarah Zapata, all of whom are working with textiles in innovative ways. Though textiles are often thought of as decorative or functional, the artists in this exhibition address complex ideas of identity and cultural history with large-scale crochet, narrative embroidery, deconstructed sneakers, public sewing circles, and traditional dyeing and weaving.

Opening Reception |
 January 30, 2020
5:00–7:00 p.m., Haas Concourse & Lobby, Watson Fine Arts 

Sewing Conversations with visiting artist Sarah E. Jenkins
Inspired by her Appalachian family history and the tradition of quilting circles, Jenkins brings people together to sit, talk, and sew.

February 7, 2020, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. & February 16, 2020, 12:30–2:30 p.m., Beard & Weil Galleries, Watson Fine Arts

*closed March 6 due to COVID-19

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